Gorgeous view of the outer universe...thousands of galaxies shown
This is a picture is really a monumental achievement of humankind.Here is the site:http://www.nasa.gov/lb/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2004/0107filament.htmlHere is the caption that is SUPPOSED to go with this image (thanks, original digger):This is a computer artist's illustration of a giant but remote galaxy string discovered recently. The fuzzy, bright areas in the cube at the beginning of the movie, and in Images 1 and 2, represent galaxies discovered about 10.8 billion light-years away in the direction of the southern constellation Grus (the Crane). Astronomers believe these galaxies are members of a much larger structure at least 300 million light-years long and 50 million light-years wide. Since light took 10.8 billion years to traverse the distance between the galaxy structure and Earth, we see the structure as it appeared when the Universe was young, just a fifth of its current age. Although they don't yet know how many galaxies were forming in the structure 10.8 billion years ago, the astronomers believe it will eventually evolve into a giant galaxy string resembling the "Great Wall" of galaxies relatively nearby. When this happens, the newly-discovered galaxy string will contain many thousands of galaxies (Images 3 and 4). This new structure defies current models of how the Universe evolved, which can't explain how a structure this big could have formed so early.
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