Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cusack: Bush photo ban one of 'most cowardly political acts'

When the Bush administration began enforcing a controversial policy banning photographs of military caskets returning from Iraq, the move provoked outrage -- and now, a film -- from actor John Cusack, who calls the media ban "one of the most cowardly political acts" of his lifetime.John Cusack just defied human reason -- he got cooler.And Pedwidget...that whole "actors don't have a say" thing is so tired...and it's completely illogical. In our democracy, any citizen has an absolute right to speak their minds (and a duty to stand up for their country when its basic tenants come under know, like a true American patriot?), given that the actors in question are almost always US citizens, it's well within their bounds to do so. And the reason corrupt politicians (and their lapdogs like Bill O'Reilly) are so afraid of Hollywood -- and seek to undermine them by marginalizing their credibility -- is that movie stars (or pop stars, rock stars, etc) get attention in this country...and that country-wide focus can make them a threat to the status quo if they use that attention to spread different ideas than what the news media/government wants. The only way to undermine them is to pull out that ever-so-tired "shut up and sing/dance/act" routine. I would love it if more artists spoke their minds on these topics -- think of the open discourse it would create.And really...when it comes down to it...only a mental midget with an inability to form a cogent, substantive position stoops to that argument. Why not address the heart of what Cusack is saying as a concerned citizen? And, ha, I bet you don't feel that way about Reagan or the current governor of CA.

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Zero Punctuation reviews Assassins Creed

Fantastic as alwaysI think it is silly to say that Yahtzee is unbiased. The man goes into every review looking to exploit its flaws for entertainment value. I don't say this as a criticism, but as a complement. Yahtzee is funny and entertaining to watch precisely because he is so cynical about video games. Quite simply, I feel that we watch Yahtzee because of his inherent bias.

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Gisele Wearing A Water Dress? Yes Please! (PIC) SFW

First - That is one hell of a Photoshop job - kudos to the creator.Secondly, great eye-candy.Third, don't give me any of that "Created with Adobe® Photoshop® software" correction shit

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Digg users take revenge on girl who dumped beau via Facebook

Can't a girl publicly humiliate her boyfriend by dumping him via her Facebook status message anymore without getting harrassed by a horde of social news readers? Nope.If I may throw in my two cents worth...When someone does something bad, and the hordes of diggers dig up personal information and post it for everyone to see (like that girl who stole her roommates' digital camera a few months ago)...I don't condone that, that's over the line. But when a 27 year old woman not only stoops as low as she did, but also posts her own personal information in the process (and others, originally she didn't even bother to censor out her friend's names, much less her own personal information)...I don't know, I have no sympathy for her, that attention-hungry bitch. It's too bad all the comments on that original photo were deleted, we had quite a few users posting amazingly well thought out responses to her post.

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Bush Caught In A Lie....AGAIN

Even though the NIE report on Iran was originally released to the Bush administration in 2003, Bush still beats the drums of war and claimed today that he was not aware of the report until last week.the only country that has ever actually used nuclear/hydrogen weapons is the US. if iran ever gets the bomb, it doesn't mean their use it. iran has never attacked another country until being attacked first. it seems that it's actually more like 50% either way. if the warmongering of the US continues the outcome does look bleak.-and you say- "but those Iranians are crazy. as soon as they get the bomb they'll blow up the world"-i say- "BULLSHIT"here's the situation: iran has oil, Bush likes oil. iran does not agree with current administration, we all know were that gets you. main stream media say's iran is crazy, you believe everything you see on tv.

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No nukes in Iran:Which candidates have egg on their face now

Throughout the Presidential campaign many candidates have supported and endorced attacking Iraq over "WMD"'s again! Fortunately, the cat is out of the bag!. See who has egg on their face now!We really need to get Ron Paul into office. Even John McCain has said that Ron Paul is "the most honest man in Congress"—so vote in your Primaries! If the majority of Ron Paul supporters actually vote in the Primaries, we would most likely win. Even if only 5-8% of the public support Ron Paul like the official polls say, only about 5-10% of the population vote in the Republican Primary! That's why it's critical that we have to work hard right now. Just a few people could make or break this election!And please consider becoming a delegate: it's actually pretty easy! As delegates, we'll be picking the GOP nominee just like the electors in the electoral college pick the President; Delegates determine and decide who the GOP nominee is—it's that critical! So Become a Delegate or Ron Paul will NOT be President

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Sherri Shepherd Doesn't Get That Whole BC Thing

Why are people this stupid on tv?????/ Jesus came before the Ancient Greeks, HAHAHAHAHAMiss Shepherd , what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. She also said that she didn't know if the world was flat or not, and didn't believe in evolution, But she believes the bible is the gospel truth.I think Huckabee has found a potential voter!Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble COFFEE CAKE gobble gobble gobble...

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Why nerds have the reputation that they do [PIC]

This is kinda like when a dog poops on the carpet and you have to rub its nose in it. Bad Digg users, bad! Look at what you did!

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