President Bush suggests uninsured children go to hospital emergency rooms
After the Senate Finance Committee approved an expansion of the federal Children's Health Insurance Program to cover nearly 10 million kids, President Bush offered a strange rationale for threatening to veto it. "People have access to health care in America," he told an audience in Cleveland. "After all, you just go to an emergency room."Every responsible middle class family should have $4000 saved?Oh, so the poor really don't fucking matter at all, then, right? Not just the poor, the in-between-poor. Still-getting-by-but-still-broke folks. Myself included in that. They don't really matter at all. Let's just throw em' to the dogs and let em die of their wounds.Wow that's impressive.Let's spin this another way: Your leg is broken. You need to go to the Emergency Room. It's going to cost $100,000. George Bush can get it fixed because he has the money, but you can't. You only have $4000, so George says to you: "EVERY responsible family should have at LEAST $100,000 saved for emergencies."Some people just don't have that kinda money, man. I know I don't. Honestly, I won't have anywhere near $4000 in my bank account, including savings, come payday this Friday. It's just enough to get by on bills and World of Warcraft :P
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