Sunday, May 20, 2007

Don't let people interupt you while you're busy!

Even been busy, yet this one annoying person keeps sending you messages through an IM or email? Send them a link to this page and it should shut them up!

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Control Hot keys with Keyboard Maniac!

Control Hot keys with Keyboard Maniac!

Keyboard Maniac is pleased to announce the launch of version 4.26 of Keyboard Maniac. The program allows you to control various multimedia and Microsoft Office applications with simple keystrokes. It also enables users to record keyboard macros and to perform them on default or personally stipulated conditions

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First Rambo IV Feature Trailer!

It's a full 3 and 1/2 minutes, and it goes through some good back story then for the last minute goes into a full-on R-rated ass kicking fest with Rambo himself!! If you're even slightly interested in Rambo IV, simply titled John Rambo, you'll want to watch this.

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Michael Moore Helps His Biggest Nemesis. Nemesis responds by being a dick.

Michael Moore (anonymously, to a point) donates $12,000 to aid the sick wife of an anti-Moore website host. The host, after taking great pains to identify the anonymous benefactor (albeit under reasons of security), proceeds to write a rigid tirade explaining how the act won't "buy [his] affection". Whattacock.

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MSNBC: Ron Paul Could Be A Contender

The early poll numbers of contenders such as Ron Paul seem to suggest they have no chance to win. But then again, they just might. The best case of a seemingly out-of-the-running candidate who surprised everyone and became the front-runner was Howard Dean four years ago. So, it is quite possible.

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MUST READ: Excerpt from 'The Assault on Reason' by Al Gore | TIME

Amazing insight into the current state of American democracy (and other countries).

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Denver to Pay $8,500 to Man Arrested After Asking Officer for ID

A University of Denver student who spent the night in jail will get $8,500 under a settlement announced this week by the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado. Officers will also be trained that it's OK for citizens to ask officers for their ID.

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The Surprising Truth Behind the Construction of the Great Pyramids

"Ironically," says Barsoum, "this study of 4,500 year old rocks is not about the past, but about the future."

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Firefox Is Getting Mac OS X-native Controls

Mozilla’s Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out there; however, Mac users don’t love it nearly as much as they could. One of the main reasons why this happens is the lack of an OS X look and feel for the application. Fortunately, it looks like the developers have listened to the users.... Yah!

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HUGE index Free Vectors!

New site with a ton of free vectors available for download.

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Microsoft releases Anti-Linux Propaganda [W/PICTURE]

A section of the Microsoft website has been devoted entirely to a section called "Get the Facts" that tries to pump BS anti-Linux propaganda using a fictional newspaper title that reads "The Highly Reliable Times". Seriously, who believes this crap?

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US government trying to seize new Michael Moore film, says producer

The film Sicko has already caused Moore to clash with the American authorities. Now, according to movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, whose Weinstein Company is behind the film, the US government is attempting to impound the negative.

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