Tuesday, June 5, 2007

More people died last year from eating Spinach than smoking Marijuana

Marijuana laws are a mishmash among the 50 states. It isn't entirely legal anywhere, but 12 states have at least partly decriminalized it, to the point that in Alaska there is no penalty for possessing an ounce or less at home.

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NYPD Will Arrest You For Asking Questions

Robert Carnevale was arrested while videotaping an NYPD bicycle raid after he asked one of the officers for his badge number. Carole Vale, a nurse observing the scene, was also arrested when she asked why Mr. Carnevale was being detained. Mr. Carnevale was held for 22 hours and Ms. Vale was held for 13 hours.

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New MacBook Pros with Santa Rosa and LED Displays

Today, Apple has introduced the new MacBook Pros as expected. The new MacBook Pros utilize the Santa Rosa chipset and come in the following configurations:

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