Friday, May 25, 2007

The most incredibly messed up "Choose Your Own Adventure" you'll ever play

Join the circus. Start a nuclear war. Go back in time and sleep with your mother. Play the first two levels of Castlevania. I don't remember the books being like this when I was a kid!

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Save Jericho NUTS! Campaign Almost to 10,000lbs of Nuts to CBS!

Jericho fans have send almost 10,00lbs of nuts to CBS to protest the show's cancelation. So far the cost is over $13K JUST TO MAKE A STATEMENT. They show no signs of slowing down. The nuts are a reference to a line from the finale and CBS's rationale to cancel. The donation page has a log of whats happened to far, LEND YOUR SUPPORT!

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'Inhumane' Big Brother won't budge on dead father - Digg to show Disgust!

A contestant on the Australian Big Brother reality television program, will not be told that her father had passed away last week, after a decision was handed down by the shows producers. Contestant Emma's father Raymond Cornell died last week and his funeral was held on Monday in Adelaide, but the 24-year-old is still unaware of his death.

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PICTURE: Mazda 3.141592653589793238462643383

He even has the license plate! Check it out.

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80% of People Believe Gas Prices Are Being Manipulated

According to a recent poll, nearly four out of every five people believe that oil and gasoline companies have manipulated the supply of gas in order to cause prices to shoot through the roof. Is it still a conspiracy theory if seemingly everyone believes in it?

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Most useless sign ever!

What does it even mean?

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Horra! Another Christian Science Fair embarrasses itself

Brian Benson won first place in the Life Science/Biology category for his project "Creation Wins!!!," saying that he disproved part of the theory of evolution. Using a rolled-up paper towel suspended between two glasses of water with Epsom Salts, the paper towel formed stalactites. Disproving that stalactites take millions of years to form. Riiight

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Bird Sh*ts on Bush During Press Conference

Seems a passing sparrow took an opportunity to weigh in on what the President had to say."

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