Sunday, December 9, 2007

Box Office: Golden Compass disaster! Juno a record-breaker!

New Line’s The Golden Compass, which has a reported budget of $200M+, has staggered out of the starting gate with an opening day of $9M or so, and it will likely muster only an estimated $27M for the weekend.

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Huckabee called homosexuality "dangerous public health risk"

He also tried to isolate AIDS victims: (AP) LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal funding in the search for a cure and said homosexuality could "pose a dangerous public health risk."

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Nintendo pulls Wii ads due to demand

Nintendo, the gaming giant, has been forced to pull ads for its Wii console in the run up to Christmas as demand is already too high. The campaign for Wii, created by Karmarama, will be replaced by ads for its handheld console, Nintendo DS.

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Militants Tell Christian Women to Cover Up or Face Death

Inside (Basra University) you are not, (Christian). Next time I want to see you wearing a hijab or I swear to God the three of you will be killed immediately',” Zeena recalled. Terrified, the girls ran home. They now wear the headscarf all the time.In the past five months more than 40 women have been murdered and their bodies dumped

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The Most Accurate Facebook Mini-Feed Ever

What happens when you're smoking hot on facebook? how do users interact with your profile? this is a hilarious satire of the above.

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Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth

Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean.

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