Thursday, July 5, 2007

Six-year old girl disemboweled in a kiddie pool.

Abigail Taylor, 6, was seriously injured in the wading pool of a St. Louis Park club after a drain sucked out several feet of her intestine.

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Ron Paul Morons Manipulating Digg

This may come as a shock to the lunatics, but the alleged popularity of Ron Paul just isn't happening. Which is probably why they're reduced to lame stunts like this.

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How To Initiate Conversation

The hardest part of socializing, for many people, is initiating conversation. However, it is a big mistake to go about life not making the first move and waiting for someone else to do it [in conversation or anything].

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RIAA sued for using illegal investigatory practices

A grandmother targeted by the RIAA for file-sharing is striking back at the controversial music industry association, arguing that it has knowingly engaged in "one or more overt acts of unlawful private investigation" to further its case.

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Hi-res downloads of FHM's infamous bikini campaign

Have at it, you sexist bastards.

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Geek Squad Caught On Video Stealing Porn From Customer's Computer's Geek Squad sting operation caught a Geek Squad agent taking porn from their computer. They rigged a computer to make a video of itself, capturing every cursor movement, and every file accessed. Who knew that when you hand over your computer to a repair technician, you could be giving a stranger a veritable Pandora's box?

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If you live in Ohio - you can't be arrested today (4th July)

An obscure Ohio law, states that no person shall be arrested on the 4th of July. Although the Ohio Senate introduced a bill to repeal this law in 1998, it failed to pass, and the law still remains in effect.

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If you live in Ohio - you can't be arrested today (4th July)

An obscure Ohio law, states that no person shall be arrested on the 4th of July. Although the Ohio Senate introduced a bill to repeal this law in 1998, it failed to pass, and the law still remains in effect.

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"Even Richard Nixon knew it was time to resign"

From Iraq to Scooter Libby, Bush and Cheney have broken America's trust and stabbed this nation in the back. It is time for them to go.

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"Even Richard Nixon knew it was time to resign"

From Iraq to Scooter Libby, Bush and Cheney have broken America's trust and stabbed this nation in the back. It is time for them to go.

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Most Ridiculous Shirt You Could Wear To An Independence Day Parade [PIC]

seriously, what is the fourth of july about lady? our independence from the chinese? tacos? body odor??

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Why impeachment of Cheney and Bush is imperative

"Impeaching, convicting and removing Dick Cheney and George Bush from office goes beyond punishing them for their crimes. It goes to sending a message to their successors, that no one is above the law and failure to "preserve, protect and defend" the US Constitution, criminality and corruption will not be tolerated."

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Teenager From Rural Malawi Who Built A Windwill To Power His Home [PICS]

Meet William Kamkwamba. At age 15 he built a windmill entirely from scrap parts, generating enough electricity to power his home in rural Malawi, one of the poorest countries in Africa. His personal blog details the steps day-by-day with pics.

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Know-it-All College Student Owned by Ron Paul

During a discussion on the "war on drugs" a student suggests that we use the military to stop the drug trade, and Ron Paul retorts by saying if we need to enforce good habits that he should be put on a diet.

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The Good Wife's Guide -- circa 1955 [PICTURE]

After all, catering for his comfort will provide you with immence personal satisfaction.

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