Friday, June 8, 2007

Congressman Who Took Money From RIAA/MPAA: "Cut Funding to Colleges"

The RIAA's campaign contributions are hard at work this week as members of Congress threaten to cut off federal funding to educational institutions if they don't stop file sharing on their networks.

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The Weirdest Grave in the West

Here’s the story behind one of the most peculiar (and most popular) grave sites in the entire United States. More than 60 years after it was completed, it still attracts tens of thousands of visitors a year.

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Are you Racist? This test made by Harvard will tell you.

Take the test -- You may be surprised.

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Not Fair - Ten Years In Prison For Consensual Oral Sex

Ten years in prison for receiving oral sex. That is Genarlow Wilson’s sentence. When he was 17 years old and a high school senior, he received consensual oral sex from a 15-year-old, 10th-grade girl. Everyone agreed, including the prosecutor and the girl herself, that she initiated the act. And yet....

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Wheel chair gets stuck in 18 wheeler front grill guy goes for ride! 50mph

WTF! This has got to be the weirdest story ever. The wheel chair of a 21-year-old man became lodged in the grill of a semi truck as the vehicle pulled out of a gas station. The semi then began driving down Red Arrow Highway, with its new and unusual hood ornament still attached. Speeds of 50 mph were reached, picture included.

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Original Nintendo/Sony PlayStation prototype found

It's a little scary to think of how games may have developed if this product had been successful. Instead of the 3D boom, would we all be playing FMV games now? Or 2D platformers with really good music?

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RPG Style Map of America [PIC]

How Japan Sees the USA ...

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Female Gamers Doing it Wrong [Pic]

The pics caption tells it all

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