Thursday, November 22, 2007

Unreal Tournament 3 for PS3 has gone gold

Epic's Mark Rein: "The PlayStation 3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 has gone gold! We got news last night that Unreal Tournament 3 has been approved by SCEA and has been released to North American manufacturing."

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Mac OS X Leopard: 200+ Productivity Booster Keyboard Shortcuts

Title says it all.

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Top 100 Most Viewed Pages on Wikipedia

"Wikipedia is "The Free Encyclopedia." What's on the mind of Wikipedia its readers? Here are the top hundred most viewed pages on Wikipedia."

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First Video of the Optimum Maximus Keyboard Actually Working

It's still not worth the money, but it's pretty undeniably pretty.

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Holocaust Denial, American Style

Institutionally unwilling to consider America's responsibility for the bloodbath, the traditional media have refused to acknowledge the massive number of Iraqis killed since the invasion. It is five times more than the estimates of killings in Darfur and even more than the genocide in Rwanda 13 years ago:ONE MILLION IRAQIS KILLED.

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20th Anniversary of Creepiest Live TV Broadcast Interruption

In 1987, Chicago TV channels WGN9 and WTTW-11 were hijacked by this guy wearing a Max Headroom mask. 20 years later, he is still at large. "Remember, Remember the 22nd of November"

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The End of America?

Naomi Wolf warns that history occurs in patterns, and in order to understand where our country is today and where it is headed, we need to read the history books. She lays out the 10 steps that dictators (or aspiring dictators) take in order to shut down an open society.

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