Wednesday, November 7, 2007

CNN's Gupta Lied- Speaker a Republican insurance shill

Michael Moore caught Sanjay Gupta in a lie on his report about Sicko.Details here.It amazes me how dumbed down people in this country have become -- especially after reading some of the replies in this. Everyday in the news media you get plenty of "the other side" of the story. You got your Fox News, your CNN's, etc. all reporting outrageous things in order to keep the news interesting. What Moore is doing is giving you what CNN and Fox News ARE NOT willing to give you -- the other side of the story. Imo, Moore is doing what nobody else seems to have the ballz to do -- and that is, to stand up for the rights of the little guy. Moore is not proposing turning healthcare into a line at the DMV. What he is doing is taking positive elements from other systems and suggesting that we should consider them. Is that such a bad thing? To be open minded? To not be so absolutist? So many people seem to have made up their minds on everything. Open up the closed minds people. Consider the bad with the good.

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