Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bush Caught In A Lie....AGAIN

Even though the NIE report on Iran was originally released to the Bush administration in 2003, Bush still beats the drums of war and claimed today that he was not aware of the report until last week.the only country that has ever actually used nuclear/hydrogen weapons is the US. if iran ever gets the bomb, it doesn't mean their use it. iran has never attacked another country until being attacked first. it seems that it's actually more like 50% either way. if the warmongering of the US continues the outcome does look bleak.-and you say- "but those Iranians are crazy. as soon as they get the bomb they'll blow up the world"-i say- "BULLSHIT"here's the situation: iran has oil, Bush likes oil. iran does not agree with current administration, we all know were that gets you. main stream media say's iran is crazy, you believe everything you see on tv.

read more | digg story

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